Tuesday, 11 July 2006


I'm so so so so SO tired! I've had like little 3 hours sleep =( *yawns* and seeing as I'm up at 6:00 might aswell have a few cups of coffee =)

Yeah anyway I'm in love wih Metallica and their Black Album particulary 4 songs...:
Enter Sandman - Omg the song rocks from the bass' beat to the hard hitting vocals and 'Lord's Prayer' chorus!! ♥
Holier Than Thou - I just like the lyrics and name pfft...
The Unforgiven - The guitar riffs are awesome
The God That Failed - Lyrics are pretty cool!

Monday, 10 July 2006


I'm like doing a 48 hours! & thats cause I'm queer... in the Nat queer sense... =) and In this 48 hours... I wilt succeed in doing - infiltrate goverment computers... and annoying my fucking bitch of a mother =) && as me and nat found out when I started insulting the Cafateria OLD FAT BITCH!I'm a fucking twat =) & I'M PROUD... I'm obbssessed with two many songs... these being...:
I Will Follow You Into The Dark - NUMBER ONE! LISTEN TO/WATCH VIDEO! OR I'LL FUCKING SLIT YOUR THROATS! lmao jus' jokin...
Buh... fucking love it.
Ohio is for Lovers - was gonna watch the video buh...there was kids and kids are bad... vairy bad so I thought "What a fucking waste... I could be doing much other stuff than watch this shit!"
annnd The Carpenter - Sure it's an old song. but I like it...it's freaking hawt! And that old man.... I meant TARJA! Sure she's not as hot in this vid,, buh she's farking hawt! Man she is teh sex... along with Amy Lee... and other people ;) buh geez...
I'm on my fifth latte... and I'm fucking HYPER and I have a headache which won't go away !!! *facepalm...*
And THAT WHORE?! Don't get me fucking started on that tall, lanky bitch! The next time she insults someone I care about or my friend I'll freaking facepalm her... I have new pics. Made it this morning ooh... I have THREE buh won't upload fucking stupid MYSPACE! *facepalm*

If you actually read this part... good on ya! Go get a cookie *pats on head* welldone!