Tuesday, 9 October 2007


It's raining today, thus it's making me sad... I always get sad when it rains in the morning, and it'll be winter soon, thus me getting all sad and stuff due to the lack  of sun...
Don't get me wrong, Winter is my favourite season, but it also makes me sad, cause it rains constantly and although I do like rain, when it's ALWAYS raining it makes me all upset :(

Someone make it summer again? I think the animals have the right idea with hibernation...

Ohh, and I have a story
On Monday around 1:00 AM my brother found a dog, and then my parents took it to the PDSA in Sheffield, but the dog was put down :(
Poor dog...
But I'm sick of my mum going on about what a "hero" he is...
bah I'm just jealous

Hurray for morning blogs of narky selfpity xD

I have Nightwish's new album and I think the best song is 'The Poet and the Pendulum' it's so sad, and really good, I especially like the soprano in it...

But yeah, adios for now :)


So, I've not blogged for a while now.
So I may as well tell you guys what I've been up to :)
I've recently just finished my History essay on bobbies xD
But seriously it was due in last Wednesday but all is good :)

And I'm gonna download Dark Passion Play when my stupid brother goes to bed...
I wish I could get him on an indictable offence!
And YES! I do know what indictable means :)
Law is quite good, I have this homework:
"Find and article that involves Mag's Court"
and "Find out the age limits on becoming a Mag"
Mag = Magistrate :)

Oh my God, I think that it's gonna turn me into a twat xD
But yeah I had an argument on t'internet which has made me angry at myself because I gave him exactly what he wanted.
But it's nice to know I'm a "traitor" and a "spineless democrat"
...But at least I'm not a stupid cunt sucking up to my government eh?

But yeah rule teh continent :)
Bah I don't care for the continent or the country that much, I'll be moving soon after my graduation if all goes to plan...it's good to have a plan :)
But yeah my Japanese has ground to a stand-still =/
But tomorrow morning I MUST start learning a kanji a day.
I already know the numbers...
? ??
? ??
? ?
? ??
? ?·??
? ?
? ??
? ??·??
? ??
? ?·???
? ???
And the months

Yeah I'll stop boring you now :)
But interestingly, months are obscenely easy...
It's just:
1 moon
2 moon
3 moon
4 moon
ect. :)