I'm kind-of tired but I can't sleep and I'm listening to 'I Think We're Alone Now' by Tiffany, of-course the Click-5 version is in there too =]
This song is so sweet, it reminds me of Natalie =]
God I love her so much, just wish she'd realise how much I appreciate her
I'm the luckiest guy alive, like ever, life is so fucking great right now =]
Last year christmas sucked, I was drowning in misery and I was all alone in a sea of fakes...
But, this year is totally different!
I don't remember being so happy, I have a girlfriend who is most beautiful, most intelligent, most poetic, most interesting person EVER!!
I mean everyword of what I say about her, theres never been a moment I've ever doubted me and her, apart from the part she called me a twat, but thats history, cause I know that I'm so totally smitten with her, and I know she loves me too!!!!!!!
I love 5:00am, I can think quite well, and I know that I'll just put whatever pops into my brain, what I feel in my heart, my doubts and what I'm sure about.
I'm totally bumming over my hair, it really looks good, I think so anyway.
I'm totally looking for the second day of 2007, a fresh start, and this year hasn't been exactly fantastic, I've been pretty depressed but 2007 is gonna be diffent, I'm gonna have a much more calm, sensible outlook to life, I've decided that I'm gonna write lots of new poetry, they need to be happy though, I have to much sad poetry, so, this years for me and you Natalie my love =]
Hahaha, I know that she hates being called Natalie, but I really think that name is beauitful, and she's a beautiful person, so it fits her I think, I've only known 2 other Natalies =P
They both suuuuuuucked, but, My Nat is different, I can't describe how much I LOVE her!!!
She makes me laugh, and cry, but I wish I could hug her when she's upset, or do something, Aw, I dunno something romantic, something brilliant.
Gosh, I can't think about it, JANUARY! JANUARY! JANUARY!
I think this is probably one of my longest blogs but it's one of the best for me, every word I type out is relieving me of things I wanna say but just can't find the heart to say.
I wanna be the type of guy that people read, and see in films and books even if I'm not that good, theres always hope, but I'm really content with Nat, I wish that I wasn't just a kid, I've decided that as soon as I get the money and oppurtunity to do so I'm moving to Ireland, for perminant, cause I can't bear to be away from Nat any longer, but each day I wake up, or every midnight that passes I know it's just one less day before I can be with her forever!
I can't wait, it's only just over four years! Then I'll be free to do as I please.
I'm going through college and then working through my gap-year, I was going to go travelling but, I'd rather work and that'd cut the time it takes me to move to Ireland.
Haha, I can't wait to meet her family, heysound like a great bunch of people =]
I have only one wish, though, but no matter how much I wish for it I know that without perserverence it'll never come true, my only want is to wake up on day, then realise I'd had a bad dream, and that I was't really here, and I'd walk out of the hosue and there she'd be =]
I know that I'm yapping on and being all annoying but it's all true, but even though I'd much rather be with Natalie, I could forget my friends, they're all so amazing!
"The only bands that've come out of Ireland are Westlife and [otherbandicantrememberthenameof]"
Hahaha, what about The Pogues mah Dear?
Anyway, it's taken up a well spent hour =]
But I really ant comments, and I really want kudos for having the guts to post this!
Love, Joel
PS. I've read loads of TDOAYGAF, it's a really good book, I'm up to Tuesday, 10th August 1943, and I've just read about the normal day in the Annexe. How I'd love to be in that annexe, everything seems so emotional and, I'd love to share Anne's feelings, she is....was a really brave girl, and I wouldn't normally read the diary of a girl but, it was her wish to have it published I guess... there are parts in the diary and it seems almost...surreal?
It's as if Anne isn't real, and this never happened, but of course the Haulocost happened, and of course she was a real girl, she seemed really intellectual as well, the Germans were a foolish race of people, no...Hilter was the stupid one, poor girl, I don't really know what happened to her, not really, I have seen the film of course, but out of that I only remember 3 parts hazily, they are:
1.) Her arguments with Dussel
2.) When she wakes Margot up to say she had her first period
3.) The German police breaking into the Annexe
And this is all I remember...
"I hope I will be able to confide everything to you, as I have never been able to confide in anyone, and I hope you will be a great source of comfort and support."
PSS. I just found myself taking 5 minutes finding my version of Anne Frank... pfft...!
BTW. Natalie I found you version of the book...