I've been saying:
"You've gotta come visit in spring and we'll go eat shaved ice! And I'll take you to Gion and we'll get drunk on sake!"
In reality, we'll never even see each other again will we?
It's the truth, we'll be on the opposite side of the world from each other, we couldn't be futher away.
I'm never gonna be with the person I love, ever, I'll be able to be friends with you for 4-10 year and then thats it, I'll be alone, well not alone, but I'll be empty.
And whats the point in loving, when it hurts you so much.
Cause right now it's hurting more than anything in the world, I hate love.
It's killing me...
Sunday, 29 April 2007
Friday, 27 April 2007
When Mia moves to Italy I'm gonna cry when I get told =]
And then I'm gonna phone her and then I'll cry and make her cry and we won't be able to talk cause I'll just cry :)
And when I move to Kyoto I'm gonna ring her and cry again =D
And then when I get my phone bill I'll cry !
And then I'm gonna phone her and then I'll cry and make her cry and we won't be able to talk cause I'll just cry :)
And when I move to Kyoto I'm gonna ring her and cry again =D
And then when I get my phone bill I'll cry !
Monday, 23 April 2007
Sparked my interest
Last night, I was on Yahoo answers and I saw a question, it asks "Why are we scared of death?"
It's actually a sane question, which I broke down into three parts:
Where we die
For instance, people would feel better dying at home, rather than on a street desperating searching for aid, or some people would rather die in a hospital, thus being alone, and not having loved ones see them suffer.
When we die
This refers to the time in our life, some people want to die in their old age, where as some people fear growing old and would then prefer to die young.
However this may also be down the regret, or rather, fear we haven't achieved everything we truly want to, thus dying unsatisfied.
How we die
This is perhaps the factor which effects us the most, death by suicide may seem a fearless option, but let me take suicide by cutting the wrists, there would always be the piercing pain of the skin being torn that deep, and then the blood would appear striking fear into that person. Most people would rather die in their sleep, or die painlessly
Thus concluding an answer the Why we fear death.
Anyway, this morning I feel really down...
And people could say I have an easy life...
Not feeling sorry for myself but I don't have it THAT easy.
Yeah, yeah I'm still alive, for that I'm grateful -_-
But I know I don't have it that bad, but still
We're all selfish in that aspect, anyway
I'm very lucky...
But for instance;
Me and my brother look nothing like, and it is partially to do with these facts:
I'm short and dark, he's tall and dark, plus out of my siblings, I'm the least good-looking, so I wasn't blessed with looks, so what you might ask, how does this affect you?
Well the answer to that would be, when picking pictures for things like forums, msn and myspace, none of my pictures are full face, whereas all the photos I've seen of my brother and sister are, but whenever I take a full face photo I always look ugly, too spotty, too pale ect.
The world is full of good-looking people, even muscians are really look orientated, this sorta stuff makes you feel self concoius in the most stupid ways, I can't walk down the street without acting nervous.
Many of the people I know from school are good looking and I feel grotesque next to some of these people...
Yeah thats the end of my rant ...
It's actually a sane question, which I broke down into three parts:
Where we die
For instance, people would feel better dying at home, rather than on a street desperating searching for aid, or some people would rather die in a hospital, thus being alone, and not having loved ones see them suffer.
When we die
This refers to the time in our life, some people want to die in their old age, where as some people fear growing old and would then prefer to die young.
However this may also be down the regret, or rather, fear we haven't achieved everything we truly want to, thus dying unsatisfied.
How we die
This is perhaps the factor which effects us the most, death by suicide may seem a fearless option, but let me take suicide by cutting the wrists, there would always be the piercing pain of the skin being torn that deep, and then the blood would appear striking fear into that person. Most people would rather die in their sleep, or die painlessly
Thus concluding an answer the Why we fear death.
Anyway, this morning I feel really down...
And people could say I have an easy life...
Not feeling sorry for myself but I don't have it THAT easy.
Yeah, yeah I'm still alive, for that I'm grateful -_-
But I know I don't have it that bad, but still
We're all selfish in that aspect, anyway
I'm very lucky...
But for instance;
Me and my brother look nothing like, and it is partially to do with these facts:
I'm short and dark, he's tall and dark, plus out of my siblings, I'm the least good-looking, so I wasn't blessed with looks, so what you might ask, how does this affect you?
Well the answer to that would be, when picking pictures for things like forums, msn and myspace, none of my pictures are full face, whereas all the photos I've seen of my brother and sister are, but whenever I take a full face photo I always look ugly, too spotty, too pale ect.
The world is full of good-looking people, even muscians are really look orientated, this sorta stuff makes you feel self concoius in the most stupid ways, I can't walk down the street without acting nervous.
Many of the people I know from school are good looking and I feel grotesque next to some of these people...
Yeah thats the end of my rant ...
Friday, 20 April 2007
Haha my dad is ****
T'was hysterical!!
I just walked down the stairs and Saw my dad hear me come down, panic then make an effort to kill the computer, of course he didn't turn it off in time, jerk
I have mental scars forever now!
T'was funny I went "Why did you just turn the computer off?" to which he replied
"It was't working...." I looked at him, gave him one of them head-to-toe looks and said; "Are you sure?"
t;was funny =P
and now now he's telling me that we should download films and sell them, do the idiot know it's easier to get caught like that?
I just walked down the stairs and Saw my dad hear me come down, panic then make an effort to kill the computer, of course he didn't turn it off in time, jerk
I have mental scars forever now!
T'was funny I went "Why did you just turn the computer off?" to which he replied
"It was't working...." I looked at him, gave him one of them head-to-toe looks and said; "Are you sure?"
t;was funny =P
and now now he's telling me that we should download films and sell them, do the idiot know it's easier to get caught like that?
I have to ask
Uugh, did you even care about me? or when I was upset, did you just ask what wrong wrong because it was expected of you?
Thursday, 19 April 2007
Bloggings of a Fictional Character PT 2
Hey again, it's Joeru =]
It's 4 in the morning over in Kyoto, and my alarm clock went off early.
Anyway, I'm going to tell you about my family:
My dad is 43 and comes from Fukoyoka, and he speaks Chinese, Korean, Japanese and English, he has the same hair as me and from a distance looks like a Anime character(!)
His parents are the typical Japanese, alive during The Halocaust, although neither of them were a part OF the war, I believe that my Grand-Mother once lived in an Okiya, but ran away, they both now live near Mount Fuji.
My mother is English, although she has adapted to being in Japan well, the only features that tell her apart is her face!
She is overly fond of Kimonos, yet she says she could never wear a full Kimono.
Which is understandable, anyway, her natural hair colour is a flaxen sort of colour, however, she dyes her hair black and has her eyebrows tinted, she speaks English, Italian and German.
My brother is 10 and is the second person in our family who speaks Japanese, I'm currently learning Japanese..]
Thats my familt for you =]
It's 4 in the morning over in Kyoto, and my alarm clock went off early.
Anyway, I'm going to tell you about my family:
My dad is 43 and comes from Fukoyoka, and he speaks Chinese, Korean, Japanese and English, he has the same hair as me and from a distance looks like a Anime character(!)
His parents are the typical Japanese, alive during The Halocaust, although neither of them were a part OF the war, I believe that my Grand-Mother once lived in an Okiya, but ran away, they both now live near Mount Fuji.
My mother is English, although she has adapted to being in Japan well, the only features that tell her apart is her face!
She is overly fond of Kimonos, yet she says she could never wear a full Kimono.
Which is understandable, anyway, her natural hair colour is a flaxen sort of colour, however, she dyes her hair black and has her eyebrows tinted, she speaks English, Italian and German.
My brother is 10 and is the second person in our family who speaks Japanese, I'm currently learning Japanese..]
Thats my familt for you =]
My thoughts on Monday's Events
Okay I'd like to say I knew nothing about this untill Tuesday!
Well the thing that strikes me the most about this event is that people seem to think it's the first time this has ever happened!
Some notable ones are:
Columbine High School Massacre:
Where - Littleton, Colorado
When - April 20th, 2002
Fatalities - 15
Beslan School Hostage Crisis:
Where - Beslan, Russia
When - September 1st, 2004
Fatalities - 396
So, yeah as you can see; not the first!
I feel that the Beslan one is the worst by far, they were little kids tbh, and THREE-HUNDRED-AND-NINE people were killed!
The one in Columbine, was triggered by jocks bullying people prone to depression.
Anyway, this is going to be the last, and my God, after what 40-or-so shootings (and they're just famous ones(!)) You would've thought that goverments would ensure that nothing like this forty tradgedys could ever happen again right? Well - thats further from the truth, in television, films and music, they all encourage bullying to a certain extent, If you can beat someone up, surely the person is driven by such unnatural rage that they could kill somebody!
Plus people could be suprised when they bully someone of unstable mind with mental illness such as Clinical Depression or Scitzophrenia, just to name two.
If anyone is to blame really... we all are, who can deny they've felt like murdering someone, hated a certain type of people (e.g., race or beliefs)? I think we all are guilty of racism to a certain extent...
Just a note to let you think about; how can we abolish crime, if we unbeknownst to us are commiting crimes each and everyday...?
Such as:
Littering, theft, racism, predudice...
Well the thing that strikes me the most about this event is that people seem to think it's the first time this has ever happened!
Some notable ones are:
Columbine High School Massacre:
Where - Littleton, Colorado
When - April 20th, 2002
Fatalities - 15
Beslan School Hostage Crisis:
Where - Beslan, Russia
When - September 1st, 2004
Fatalities - 396
So, yeah as you can see; not the first!
I feel that the Beslan one is the worst by far, they were little kids tbh, and THREE-HUNDRED-AND-NINE people were killed!
The one in Columbine, was triggered by jocks bullying people prone to depression.
Anyway, this is going to be the last, and my God, after what 40-or-so shootings (and they're just famous ones(!)) You would've thought that goverments would ensure that nothing like this forty tradgedys could ever happen again right? Well - thats further from the truth, in television, films and music, they all encourage bullying to a certain extent, If you can beat someone up, surely the person is driven by such unnatural rage that they could kill somebody!
Plus people could be suprised when they bully someone of unstable mind with mental illness such as Clinical Depression or Scitzophrenia, just to name two.
If anyone is to blame really... we all are, who can deny they've felt like murdering someone, hated a certain type of people (e.g., race or beliefs)? I think we all are guilty of racism to a certain extent...
Just a note to let you think about; how can we abolish crime, if we unbeknownst to us are commiting crimes each and everyday...?
Such as:
Littering, theft, racism, predudice...
Wednesday, 18 April 2007
Bloggings of a Fictional character
Ayye, doing this to boost creativitey when writing =]
Hey, my name is Joeru, and I live in Kyoto, of course, Joeru is only the romaji version of my name, but seeing as many computers can't handle Katahana and Kanji script, I'll just use romaji. =]
Anyway, seeing as I was born in Tokyo, it seems rather odd I can only say certain things in Japanese, I think it's strange too, well I went to an English speaking school, I went to a Chugakko in Tokyo, but then after we moved to Kyoto, I obviously had to move to another school I'm now in my second year of Kokogakko, which isn't compulsory, but I want to take education to the max =]
Chugakko is lower Secondary school and Kokogakko is Higher secondary school, Kokogakko covers years 7-9, and Koko covers 10 to 12, so that makes me 16.
Sometimes going to Kokogakko can really SUCK, but fortunately my school doesn't set curfews or dress codes =D
Anyway, when I graduate from here I have to move back to Tokyo, because I'm going to Tokyo University.
Anyway, I'm average height and weight and I have long-ish black hair (My hair is from the Japanese side of my family) and dark borwn eyes, you wouldn't know I was Japanese to look at, but my english is with a japanese accent.
Anyway, in my spare time, I do my homework (we get lots) and I walking around the different Districts of Kyoto especially the Gion district.
Let me tell you about the Gion Kobu is a Geiko district, this famed district, you can see all the beautiful Geisha and Maiko's =]
They're all so elegant and graceful, but once me and my friend Sakura were sat on some steps in Kobu and we we're just watching all the Geisha pass us by, we laughed so much when one of the Maiko tripped after chasing after her Older Sister! Of course, she didn't think it was funny, nor did her Older Sister, strange thing though, they actually looked alike!
Anyway, let me tell you about Sakura, well she's the same age as me, and she's really pretty, she can speak Japanese, English and Korean fluently, she is also training to become a Geiko, which means she's maiko =]
Anyway, her being a Maiko kind of sucks...
But it's pretty cool anyway, anyway, I have to go get ready for school!
My teacher plans the kill me if I'm late to class again!
Hey, my name is Joeru, and I live in Kyoto, of course, Joeru is only the romaji version of my name, but seeing as many computers can't handle Katahana and Kanji script, I'll just use romaji. =]
Anyway, seeing as I was born in Tokyo, it seems rather odd I can only say certain things in Japanese, I think it's strange too, well I went to an English speaking school, I went to a Chugakko in Tokyo, but then after we moved to Kyoto, I obviously had to move to another school I'm now in my second year of Kokogakko, which isn't compulsory, but I want to take education to the max =]
Chugakko is lower Secondary school and Kokogakko is Higher secondary school, Kokogakko covers years 7-9, and Koko covers 10 to 12, so that makes me 16.
Sometimes going to Kokogakko can really SUCK, but fortunately my school doesn't set curfews or dress codes =D
Anyway, when I graduate from here I have to move back to Tokyo, because I'm going to Tokyo University.
Anyway, I'm average height and weight and I have long-ish black hair (My hair is from the Japanese side of my family) and dark borwn eyes, you wouldn't know I was Japanese to look at, but my english is with a japanese accent.
Anyway, in my spare time, I do my homework (we get lots) and I walking around the different Districts of Kyoto especially the Gion district.
Let me tell you about the Gion Kobu is a Geiko district, this famed district, you can see all the beautiful Geisha and Maiko's =]
They're all so elegant and graceful, but once me and my friend Sakura were sat on some steps in Kobu and we we're just watching all the Geisha pass us by, we laughed so much when one of the Maiko tripped after chasing after her Older Sister! Of course, she didn't think it was funny, nor did her Older Sister, strange thing though, they actually looked alike!
Anyway, let me tell you about Sakura, well she's the same age as me, and she's really pretty, she can speak Japanese, English and Korean fluently, she is also training to become a Geiko, which means she's maiko =]
Anyway, her being a Maiko kind of sucks...
But it's pretty cool anyway, anyway, I have to go get ready for school!
My teacher plans the kill me if I'm late to class again!
Tuesday, 17 April 2007
Ohmybored =[
uugghhh, I'm bored lol 
Propa woke up too early =[
Urrgh, I haaaate school, for obvious, and not so obvious reasons
I need coffee, =]
Anywaayyzz I need something to do
*clicks Stumble!*
Ooh, I've been looking up insults in other languages =]
I'm a geek
*!'|../| 4 G33|<
Yeah, laterz
UPDATE - I actually meant to ask, does anyone know anyway of gaining weight without overeating junk?
Propa woke up too early =[
Urrgh, I haaaate school, for obvious, and not so obvious reasons
I need coffee, =]
Anywaayyzz I need something to do
*clicks Stumble!*
Ooh, I've been looking up insults in other languages =]
I'm a geek
*!'|../| 4 G33|<
Yeah, laterz
UPDATE - I actually meant to ask, does anyone know anyway of gaining weight without overeating junk?
Saturday, 14 April 2007
She has a gun to my head!!!
Lol, well not really.
Eei, today was fun, I saw Leah uuh... yeah anyway, went Mia's then we went skating. =]
T'was fun, then we talked about ghosts and random crap then we kicked a ball about xD.
Y'anyway, I dedicate this blog to Mia, because without her nagging, I probably wouldn't be typing a load of words xD
School in 2 days!! =[ lol it seems it's been Easter for yonks =]
I looooove Transylvania =] It rocks, best song on the album tbh.
Eei, today was fun, I saw Leah uuh... yeah anyway, went Mia's then we went skating. =]
T'was fun, then we talked about ghosts and random crap then we kicked a ball about xD.
Y'anyway, I dedicate this blog to Mia, because without her nagging, I probably wouldn't be typing a load of words xD
School in 2 days!! =[ lol it seems it's been Easter for yonks =]
I looooove Transylvania =] It rocks, best song on the album tbh.
Friday, 13 April 2007
My god!
Okay, firstly I'd like to say:
I'm the happiest I've been since 2006, yeah, and I think people shouldn't be so selfish as'to try and argue with me by making someone copy&paste.
So, for your information,I'm gonna rise above it, yeah you hate me, I don't know what I've done to warrant that, but if your going to say something about me, don't be a bloody coward and slag me off to my friends, have the decency to talk to me before you go shooting off, I deserved at least a small amount of decorum.
I'm the happiest I've been since 2006, yeah, and I think people shouldn't be so selfish as'to try and argue with me by making someone copy&paste.
So, for your information,I'm gonna rise above it, yeah you hate me, I don't know what I've done to warrant that, but if your going to say something about me, don't be a bloody coward and slag me off to my friends, have the decency to talk to me before you go shooting off, I deserved at least a small amount of decorum.
Sunday, 8 April 2007
I've Tasted Blood, And I Want MORE!
Ha! I have, and I do =]
Touch-a Touch-a Touch Me, I Wanna Be Dirty
Aye I love that song =]
How can anyone say that film isn't sexy!!
It so fucking is =]
I have to blog lyrics =]
My Favourite Songs [IOA]:
Science Fiction/Double Feature
Singers: Riff Raff
Dammit, Janet
Singers: Brad, Janet
Over At The Frankenstein Place
Singers: Janet, Brad, Riff Raff
The Time Warp
Singers: Riff Raff, Magenta, Criminologist, Translyvanians, Columbia
Sweet Transvestite
Singers: Frank-N-Furter, Brad, Columbia, Riff Raff
The Sword Of Damocles
Singers: Rocky, Frank-N-Furter, Translyvanians
Hot Patootie - Bless My Soul
Singers: Eddie
Touch-A Touch-A Touch Me
Singers: Janet, Columbia & Magenta
Eddie's Teddy
Singers: Dr Scott, Frank-N-Furter, Janet
Planet, Schmanet, Janet
Singers: Frank-N-Furter, Janet, Brad, Dr Scott
The Floor Show Part 1: Rose Tints My World
Singers: Columbia, Rocky, Brad, Janet
The Complete Cast =]
Janet Weiss - Susan Sarandon
(A Heroine)
Brad Majors - Barry Bostwick
(A Hero)
Criminologist - Charles Gray
(The Narrator)
Riff Raff - Richard O'Brien
(A Handyman)
Magenta - Patricia Quinn
(A Domestic Servant)
Columbia - Little Nell
(A Groupie)
Frank N. Furter - Tim Curry
(The Master)
Rocky Horror - Peter Hinwood
(A Creation)
Eddie - Meat Loaf
(A Delivery Boy)
Dr. Everett Scott - Johnathon Adams
(A Science Teacher, and German Goverment Scientist)
Thats all for now =]
Touch-a Touch-a Touch Me, I Wanna Be Dirty
Aye I love that song =]
How can anyone say that film isn't sexy!!
It so fucking is =]
I have to blog lyrics =]
My Favourite Songs [IOA]:
Science Fiction/Double Feature
Singers: Riff Raff
Dammit, Janet
Singers: Brad, Janet
Over At The Frankenstein Place
Singers: Janet, Brad, Riff Raff
The Time Warp
Singers: Riff Raff, Magenta, Criminologist, Translyvanians, Columbia
Sweet Transvestite
Singers: Frank-N-Furter, Brad, Columbia, Riff Raff
The Sword Of Damocles
Singers: Rocky, Frank-N-Furter, Translyvanians
Hot Patootie - Bless My Soul
Singers: Eddie
Touch-A Touch-A Touch Me
Singers: Janet, Columbia & Magenta
Eddie's Teddy
Singers: Dr Scott, Frank-N-Furter, Janet
Planet, Schmanet, Janet
Singers: Frank-N-Furter, Janet, Brad, Dr Scott
The Floor Show Part 1: Rose Tints My World
Singers: Columbia, Rocky, Brad, Janet
The Complete Cast =]
Janet Weiss - Susan Sarandon
(A Heroine)
Brad Majors - Barry Bostwick
(A Hero)
Criminologist - Charles Gray
(The Narrator)
Riff Raff - Richard O'Brien
(A Handyman)
Magenta - Patricia Quinn
(A Domestic Servant)
Columbia - Little Nell
(A Groupie)
Frank N. Furter - Tim Curry
(The Master)
Rocky Horror - Peter Hinwood
(A Creation)
Eddie - Meat Loaf
(A Delivery Boy)
Dr. Everett Scott - Johnathon Adams
(A Science Teacher, and German Goverment Scientist)
Thats all for now =]
Wednesday, 4 April 2007
S - Swarms of colour flood the earth
U - Underwater glistens colours so sublime
N - New romantics watch the sun, as it glows on their lovers skin
R - Rise and shine as the cockrels crow, screaming out their mighty roar
I - Indesicion in the air, the alarm clock rings giving off a scare
S - Showers flood the tiled floor, the drain of to the sewage core
E - Every morning that passes by the sunrise is quite a high
There ya go =]
My acrostic poem =]
U - Underwater glistens colours so sublime
N - New romantics watch the sun, as it glows on their lovers skin
R - Rise and shine as the cockrels crow, screaming out their mighty roar
I - Indesicion in the air, the alarm clock rings giving off a scare
S - Showers flood the tiled floor, the drain of to the sewage core
E - Every morning that passes by the sunrise is quite a high
There ya go =]
My acrostic poem =]
Moorning =]
This blog is inspired by Mia.
Well today has been good so far =]
Been up since 3pm yesterday! Me and Mia have pulled an all nighter xD
As sunrise appears beyond the drowzy horizon
As the nation wakes up a million screaming clocks
Getting up to face another day, another con
Another day, another day, leading to another knock
As the sun sets, everybody forgets they events of their day
At least they try, to cast away the nightmare of reality
As the clock strikes 12 many people pray
For strength for enough callousy...
To face another day
Aye crappy I know, reviews please?
Well today has been good so far =]
Been up since 3pm yesterday! Me and Mia have pulled an all nighter xD
As sunrise appears beyond the drowzy horizon
As the nation wakes up a million screaming clocks
Getting up to face another day, another con
Another day, another day, leading to another knock
As the sun sets, everybody forgets they events of their day
At least they try, to cast away the nightmare of reality
As the clock strikes 12 many people pray
For strength for enough callousy...
To face another day
Aye crappy I know, reviews please?
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