I can't swim! Because swimming terrifies me, that's a slight phobia, I'm going to learn one day, because old men in trunks are hot.
I prefer buses to cars, they're slower, they're less safe but damn, I hate seatbelts.
I hate boats, what the fuck is the point of a boat? You'll never see me row, row, rowing my boat gently down the fucking stream.
In my opinion Hamasaki is fucking PERFECT, I've never seen someone so beautiful, she'll make someone a great bride, I'll cry when she gets married to Gackt.
I wish I could sing well because I'd sing my fuckin' heart out. Because singing is so beautiful, I need to pick up my guitar a lot more though.
That was random, I know, it'll get more random though.
I'm currently (at 6:59 PM) listening to A Song is born by Hamasaki herself, although, she originally sang this with her idol Keiko. Ayumi is my idol, LET ME PLAY GUITAR FOR YOU! No, your current guitarist is cute, I love how she turns to him to remember her lyrics.
I've decided if I'm sad, fuck you all, I shall be fucking sad.
I often muse why people ask gay people whether they want to be the opposite sex, it seems stupid to me, I'm a guy, I want to be with other guys.
People are ignorant, so why isn't anyone teaching ignorance?
In Nazi-Germany, we had to wear a pink triangle, isn't it ironic how we now display that with pride? Because of this I can understand why blacks sit at the back of American school buses.
Back then we were forced, now we have the choice to do so.
I like sprouting philosophically bullshit. Philosophy is a nice word, it comes from the Greek philosophia meaning a love of wisdom. Philo is friend. How nice!
To all who think Asians all look the same, it's true! Blacks look the same, Spanish people look the same. It's fine to think this, I could play a German in a film and totally rock it. Caucasians, Asians, Africans, they all look the same.
I read somewhere something incredibly true: "we say time heals, yet absence makes the heart grow fonder."
Which part of that paradox is true?
Paradox is a nice word from the Greek paradoxon meaning contrary to the expectation!
I really bum over etymology, it's the best thing in the world.
One of them!
I like Communism, it's a nice idea.
Democracy is evil, I really dislike it, but it's a sad fact of life, we shall never be equal!
I really want to teach. I really want to translate. I really want to do a lot of things.
I shall teach, I shall translate and I shall do a lot of neat things!
I don't like brand names, sure buy those £40 converse, I'll go to a sports shop and buy 4 of the same!
Brand names = quality, but do they really?
I buy clothes from Matalan, Primark, Asda and Tesco, because I'm so cool!
I really see no point in buying expensive clothing, it's just lameee!
I'm running out of things to say...so.
I don't get why people don't understand girls, they're not complex at all.
I don't get why people don't understand boys, they're not complex either.
I prefer cats to dogs.
I prefer coffee to tea.
I like malt drinks.
I like scotch eggs and slices.
I don't think porn is evil for someone in a relationship, I maintain that's stupid.
Porn is fine, some like it, some don't.
The truth generally is, the men and women in the porn interest earn a lot of money for just having sex! Wow.
I like yaoi and yuri. I don't really like hentai much. I don't mind graphic yaoi and yuri either. I'm very liberal.
I'm pro-choice, I'll never be a woman, I'll never make that decision, let the women choose.
Britain and the US aren't truly democracies.
I'm pro-gay adoption.
I'm pro-gay marriage.
I agree that transgendered people should be able to have their operation for free.
I think transvestism is amazing.
I think Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks are two of my new heroes.
I hate that a lot of black people today are racist, it kind of disrespects King and other's who fought so hard memories.
I'm not sexually attracted to black people so much, that's not racist either to be honest.
I really am sexually attracted to Asians, especially Thais.
That's it, I've ran out of things to say, bye!