Wednesday 7 January 2009

Good morning, World, this is Joel.

Okay, so I'm incredibly bored, so I'm going to make a list of places I'd like to go, revise it maybe later and finalise it, etcetera.

The first place on my list is San Zhi, Taiwan.
San Zhi, was basically a would-be tourist attraction...only, it was never completed. So now it stands derelict and abandoned, locals say because it was being built upon burial ground...and there were also mysterious accidents while it was being built.
In any case, it looks AWESOME!

Then there's also Gunkanjima, Japan.
From what I gather, Gunkanjima was a heavily populated island, which has a great big wall around it, natural I think...not sure, but it's also abandoned, do you see where I'm going with this blog? I think you do! ;)
Apparently tourists and visitors are not permitted to see the island, presumably because it's falling apart.

Poveglia, Italy, is a fantastic island. Really fantastic. It's in the Venetian lagoon, so, obviously near Venice...
But it's amazing. It has a really interesting and rich history.
It's been many things, first a plague pit in the Roman times, then a leper colony in Mediaeval Italy, and most recently an asylum.
Now, it gets even more eerie when you think about the asylum, the main guy, was so evil, used to do crude lobotomies and everything, legend has it, he went completely mad, jumped off the clock tower and his body was never found.
Nowadays it's apparently a private vineyard. But to me, anything that is 'off limits to the public' has something dark there...

ADDED 22:02:2009: I started this about a month ago, and I doubt I'll ever finish, so I'm just going to leave it now.

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