Thursday 12 November 2009


A year consists of 12 months.
A year consists of 52 weeks.

A year consists of 365 days.
A year consists of 8,765 hours.

Isn't it better to take things as they come to you daily? So far this is how I've lived my life. I'm rarely thinking about the future but at the same time it's constantly running through my mind.
It's a burden, eh.

It's staggering to stop and think that I've been alive roughly sixteen years. One hundred and ninety two months. Eight hundred and thirty four weeks. It doesn't even seem like that much but at the same time, can you imagine that?

Ever since September, when I starting college, I've planned to get a job. There's barely any jobs, there's a recession. Of course I should let that stop me, but I'm too inclined to laziness. That's really no good! I have to do my best for not just myself, but everyone I care about!

It's all good and proper me talking about such things, but what am I actually doing? It's time for me to carefully consider my life, consider the direction, consider the possibilities.
That's something I need to do, needed to do. It's something I have done.

Fortunately, I know exactly what I want from the future. But the line between hit and miss is very cutting.

I need the grades AAB. I need an A-level in language. What am I doing about that?

In a way, I've backed myself into a corner, but I'm not going to let everything go without a fight. Isn't that the spirit?!

GCSE German 2009-10
Sign language 2009-10

Sign language isn't particularly useful. I don't know anyone who's deaf any more. But doesn't it sound interesting, talking with your hands? Still, you never know when you need something! Right?
From GCSE German, I'm taking it to AS level. A2 level. That's what I need to do, there's no real choice in that.



So, today I took a day off college, I feel really dreadful. Whilst being off, I've thought a considerable amount!
I'm really enjoying life, despite it being tough work with my terrible timing. It's really good. I'm really happy.
I'm actually really ill too. Man flu, huh?
It's a real problem. >_<

Okay. Today whilst thinking, whilst typing the above I decided that tomorrow I must go regardless. No matter what obstacle is thrown in my way, I have to work. I can't give up easily.

"When I hesitated
When I reached the point
Where there was no turning back
And cried, because I was afraid to stop
You said to me:
'What's sad, is that you're giving up.'
By only collecting, displaying and looking
At beautiful things,
And only having pleasant dreams,
Was I just lamenting reality?"

There seems to be lyrics that suit everything.

Oh, I applied for a job, I'm going to apply for more. I will get a job! Watch me, 'kay? ^_^

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