Saturday 8 November 2008

Mindless Ramblings (Happy! :O)

Well, after the last blog was a failure...ROFL understatement...nah...idc :)
I bring good news! For once...:D

Okay so I'm still slightly insane..ROFL
But yeah, the letter for the referral came through a few days the 'rents will be making me an appointment at some point.
Then I have an exam on Monday, literature...I'm NOT doing a science one, that's really good!

On Monday I'm gotta see Bradbury p. 5 & 6 for some reason...rofl I forgot!

Oh well, then I gotta track down Miss Grierson, anyone know who the hell she is? She'll be my step for getting me screened for dyscalculia (hopefully!)

Then, I know what I want to do in college...English language, history, French and maybe archaeology to stir things up! ;)

Okay, so that's all sorted. Anyway, period six today (this is my best part!) Mrs Hunter came in and started saying how Mr Kneissel(sp?) was telling her about my interest in Japan...and she was talking about if I was considering doing Japanese in university.

So I affirmed this.

So she went to a website which is in my email, I'm forgetful! And it was for Sheffield University...close..very close!
And she was going through the courses and I was all 'Well, I'm sort of waivering between doing history and Japanese...' and she was all ahh! You can do a joint course!
So I have with me a prospectus for Sheffield Uni, and a course that requires at least 3 A-levels at A/B/B.
One of them HAS to be a B in History.
And yeah!

4 year course.
3rd = year in Japan.

Excited? Yes!

My life now has a goal to work towards!

I'm really, really excited.

So yeah! Ganbaru yo!

Minna, ganbatte kudasai!

Good luck with exams everyone :D


Very happy :P

That's all :)