Friday 18 September 2009

Long gap!

Hey people! Sorry for the humongous gap. T____T

So, college is going pretty well, I have some homework which I'll do later... I swear! :D

Lately I've been writing a lot, isn't that cool? ^o-
Yeah, I've been experimenting with different lyrical styles and the like. It's actually pretty fun but it hasn't really come into much fruition really. Laaaaaa~me.

Well...I don't actually have that much to report.

Today I FINALLY got pictures of a double decker. Man that was fortuitous. I didn't expect to see one. XD

I'm starting to think that classics is perhaps way better than history, or maybe they're on par with each other.

I'm really boring, aren't I??? Daaaaaamn. ;)

I've really started liking techno stuff lately, it's totally out of character, isn't it? For instance... I've been listening to capsule, MEG and POLYSICS. <3

Oh well. ;D

I found some photos on my phone I somehow DIDN'T upload, shocking isn't it? They're pretty recent actually, look:

Also this one of Baxter that makes me laugh:

Bless him. :)

That's all! For now!


Sara Lee (I wish I could bake like that..) said...

Dude, Bax looks amazing LOL Bax <3

Who is that freak blocking you from view in the other photo though? :/

Nah, I joke. :D You look pretty spicy. ;) Ya know, I always use wink faces on here. But, in reality, I really can't wink. It's disappointing.

Seriouslyyy. When I go there, I must ride one. :)

Writing is good, except, you never show me. So then it's really not so good anymore because then I have to beat you... :/


Anonymous said...

(Lady Eowyn again)

Wow!!! what a lovely pet, it looks really cute ^-^

Nice to know you're doing fine in college ;) keep the good attitude sweetie :D