Sunday 6 September 2009

Sleeping Issues

It's four in the morning here, and I'm having a little trouble sleeping! Don't you just hate it when you can't sleep? :\
Well, I haven't really got a lot to share. But the opticians rang me when I was in bed yesterday morning, oops. I'll see 'em Monday, cuz ho~pefully I'm going to pick them up then! :D

Man, I actually feel kinda bad over those, they're really expensive, can someone explain to me when and why glasses got and are so expensive? They're just plastic. >_<
They were like...£80... *gulp*

Anyway! When I woke up on Saturday, my ear was in soo~ much pain. I tried the olive oil and it was okay...but then I noticed some sort of static-sound in my ear. xP
So anyway, when I took out the cotton wool, and went for a bath to wash out the oil. Baaaam!
It currently hurts so bad. Haha.

Basically, I think that my doctor is such an idiot. >_<

When I went as I probably said, he just told me to take ibuprofen for the pain and then soak my ear in warm olive oil.
- He never told me how long to leave in the olive oil.
- He never told me how long I have to use the olive oil.
- He never told me to make another appointment.

I'm seriously pissed out. I think I'm gonna change my GP at some point this year, 'cause his services are really unhelpful. Like he was looking at my file and he was like "Do you have any learning difficulties?"
And I was like... "Huh? What?"
"Well, there's a referral to the child and adolescent unit."

So...I explained HE made that referral over depression and that was sorted. Jeeeeeeze. It comes to something when your doctor doesn't even know himself what he's done/doing. >___<

Pisses me off.

So anyway, yeah he gave my ibuprofen. I'm not meant to take over 6 a day. But man. They aren't even helping with the pain except numbing it a little...
Before I washed out the oil, I took two, and then when I got out of the bath nearly 30 minutes ago, they hadn't even helped...only after taking another two did they kick in. How ridiculous is that?!

Man. If my ear isn't any better tomorrow, I'm definitely going to the ER, cause man. I have college Tuesday and I REFUSE to miss my first few days. >_<

OH! And he never even said what was wrong with my ears... so I don't even know myself. LOL

Ugh. Doctors. >_<


Sarah :D said...

Dude, I hate that too. And it always happens when I have school too...
I can never get to sleep then.

You're going to have NERD glasses :D!!!!! I'm excited to see these.

Hopefully your ear starts feeling better. That way you won't like randomly fall on the floor crying in the middle of class or something. That'd be embarrassing. "Now, class, this is how you..."

Doctors can be pretty stupid sometimes. Also, that's pretty lame that he doesn't even remember. The lady who cuts my hair remembered the exact haircut she gave me last time LOL I hadn't been in there for like a year and she's not even very young either...she's like older and totally remembered. Imagine how many people whose hair shes cut and she remembers that. It's crazy.


Mariah said...

Wait a second. If you're 16 how are you in college already? Or does it work differently in the UK?

I haven't read all your posts yet, excuse me if this is answered somewhere.

Anywho, you got a new reader now ^^


Joel said...

Well, in the UK we go to secondary school from 12-16 years, and then we go to college from 16-18 and then we go to university, basically college in the UK corresponds to the US' junior and senior year. :)

Mariah said...

Ah, I see. That makes sense now

Anonymous said...

Hey sweetie!!! It's Lady Eowyn ;)

you know, if your doctor doesn't help you, u should definitely try a new one 'cause what you seem to have looks very serious :s really, take care of yourself.

It's just a suggestion, but coud that be because you hear music too loudly? just a thought!!! take care man and i hope you feel better ;)

Joel said...

Well, as it stands right now, my ear seems okay, I mean there's still some excess wax for some reason, but I think that's mainly cuz of the olive oil.
Also sometimes when I yawn or cough my ear will muffle or pop but I don't know whether that's normal or not. I'm gonna carry on using olive oil but just less frequent and see how I go on. :)

I actually thought it could be music and that would make sense considering my left ear is the one I usually leave my phone in, but with this excess of wax I've suddenly discovered, I'm thinking it's gotta be just built up wax...
Disgusting, eh? XD