Sunday 10 August 2008


What a depressing morning.

It's fucking freezing, wet and grey.

I'm also in a pretty bad mood today, siblings suck sometimes.

So today once my mother has gone to work, it'll just be me and dad in the house so it'll be quiet to a certain level.

But I'm in two minds whether or not to:
1.) Go back to bed (I've had 12 hours sleep, too much again).
2.) Or have a bath then get some hot chocolate at regular intervals.

But actually, I've just realised it's more probable I just sit here complaining to my blog.

I also might just laze about on OE... I dunno I can't be bothered today.

And my stomach just informed me he needs feeding. Damn, I don't normally have breakfast but I think I should make an exception.

So a few things I think I should mention.

Today's word is 'tittle-tattle' which is a noun referring to either idle chit-chat or a gossip. Fun!

Today's Japanese word is すくむ which is a verb meaning to cower/crouch/shrink/draw back.

But yeah, new postsecrets tomorrow :)
